Adjustments and Manipulation

People who need chiropractic adjustments and live in or near Tumwater, WA, should get in touch with Action Chiropractic right away. Chronic pain often gets worse with time and could have a massive impact on your quality of life. However, the right forms of chiropractic care could resolve the issues causing pain. Come see Dr. Joshua Christensen. He has helped countless community members deal with a huge range of issues, and he’s ready to help you and your family.

Why Chiropractic Care May Be the Best Form of Pain Relief

If you’re feeling sore, you might try to simply take a hot shower or perhaps get some rest. While measures like this sometimes offer pain relief, they often prove short-lasting. Further, as time goes on, many folks find that their pain is getting worse. If you pulled your back muscle right now, you might still be uncomfortable tomorrow but think the body will heal. Instead, two weeks later, you could find yourself struggling simply to perform basic tasks.

With chiropractic care, you can bring a variety of treatments to bear to reduce and manage pain. Since these treatments don’t rely on medication, you may be able to mitigate the risks of side effects and addiction. Further, by strengthening your body and ensuring that tissues are properly aligned, you can reduce the risk of future challenges.

A Closer Look at Chiropractic Adjustments

Chiropractic adjustments are the oldest form of chiropractic care. Indeed, this treatment essentially started chiropractic care in the late 19th century. When a chiropractor performs adjustments, they will use their hands to restore the spine to its healthy alignment. This can resolve muscle tension and prevent nerves from getting pinched at the roots where they emerge from the spinal cord. Adjustments can prevent the vertebrae’s cartilage and discs from getting pinched, as well.

Spinal manipulation is often performed alongside other forms of chiropractic care, including soft tissue massages and spinal decompression. Often, a multi-pronged approach can produce the best outcomes.

Are you interested in chiropractic adjustments in Tumwater, WA? Call 360 489 0469 and schedule an appointment with Dr. Christensen. He is an expert at spinal manipulation and other forms of treatment and works with every patient to develop customized treatment plans that can maximize outcomes and safeguard quality of life.

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