Spinal Decompression

Is neck or back pain a constant in your life? Dr. Joshua Christensen at Action Chiropractic in Tumwater, WA, offers spinal decompression for lasting relief.

Quick Guide to Spinal Decompression Therapy

There are many reasons your back or neck might hurt, but several of them are related to disc issues. When this is the case, chiropractors often use a technique called spinal decompression or decompression therapy. In the quick guide below, Dr. Christensen and the team at Action Chiropractic in Tumwater, WA, explain more about disc issues, how they develop, and how decompression provides relief.

Your Spinal Discs

If bones were the only thing present in your spinal column, they would inevitably rub against one another. This would cause pain for several reasons and likely lead to breaks or fractures.

Instead, there are discs that cushion your bones. The inside of the discs are made of a pliable substance so that the spinal column can move. The outside is tougher so as to not easily tear.

Unfortunately, several things can impact the health of those discs. They often wear out due to age – especially if you don’t remain active. However, they are also impacted by sudden accidents, poor posture, repetitive lifting, and more.

Such events and habits can cause the discs to either flatten and protrude outward or cause a tear in the outer lining. Those that only protrude are known as bulging discs. Those that tear are referred to as herniated discs. Bulging discs don’t always produce symptoms, but herniated discs often lead to nerve compression, burning sensations, and shooting pain.

How Decompression Therapy Works

Decompression therapy is a safe, non-surgical way of addressing these disc issues. It involves a specialized table that the patient lies down on. A computer operates the table to make it move in a specific way to address issues in the neck and back.

As the table moves slowly, it gently stretches the treatment area. This stretching motion relieves pressure on the discs and the rest of the spinal column. And while this alone can provide relief, it goes further to ensure healing.

When the spine is stretched, it creates negative pressure in the spinal column. This pulls the discs back into their proper place between the bones and pulls in blood and healing nutrients. These components then help replenish the discs so that they become fuller and more supportive. Decompression therapy is typically provided over a series of visits and combined with other techniques to achieve optimal results.

Don’t suffer in pain. Schedule a spinal decompression appointment with Dr. Christensen at Action Chiropractic in Tumwater, WA, by calling (360) 489-0469 today.

Non-surgical Spinal Decompression

Spinal Decompression Tumwater Lacey

Non-surgical spinal decompression is effective in treating bulging and herniated discs, pinched nerves, sciatica, radiating arm pain, degenerative disc disease, leg and lower back pain, facet syndromes, and other conditions. Proper patient screening is imperative and only the best candidates are accepted for care.

You’ll enjoy our DTS system for recovery, which incorporates gentle traction, biofeedback focused exercises, and home exercises. Non-Surgical Spinal Decompression is a revolutionary new technology used primarily to treat disc injuries in the neck and in the low back.

Our Decompression therapy focuses on 3 phases of treatment and recovery:

1. Treatment

2. Stabilization of structure

3. Support of muscular system

Spinal Decompression Tumwater Lacey

This treatment option is very safe and utilizes FDA cleared equipment to apply distraction forces to spinal structures in a precise and graduated manner.

Spinal Decompression Therapy is a pain free alternative to drugs and surgery!

Spinal Decompression Success Stories

"My back hasn't felt this good in years! Spinal Decompression has made all the difference."

- Tim K.

Tumwater Spinal Decompression

"I was incredibly skeptical of chiropractic care in general, but unrelenting back pain from a herniated disc drove me into Doctor Christensen's office. I happily give credit for easing my suffering and getting me back on track. I had numbness in my foot, couldn't sit or stand for too long and could really barely get around. Dr. Christensen took great care of me and devised a strategy that has me out of pain and my back functioning again. No woo, no over prescription of treatment, just, spinal decompression therapy and related exercises with good follow up care. Thanks!"

Joe P.

"Extremely professional and friendly staff. A "Results Orientated Wellness Center" in my opinion. Thru Spinal Decompression, I have went from extreme lower back pain to almost non existent discomfort in a very short time. They offer Chiropractic, Massage, decompression, teaching needed exercises and I'm sure more things I don't know about! I highly recommend Action Chiropractic if you need to feel better quickly!"

- Michael E.

Click Hers to See More Patient Success Stories!

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